How vertical location improves operational efficiency


Presented by NextNav

From food delivery services to safety apps, 3D location technology is about to transform the 2D technology we’ve long accepted as the limit of location services. Join VB’s Dean Takahashi and others to learn what it means for any app relying on location services — and how it’s now possible to enable accurate vertical location at scale in vertical environments such as skyscrapers, apartment buildings, or malls. 

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Mobile apps of all kinds use location to increase efficiency. From deliveries to ridesharing, family safety to parking, mobile apps depend on location infrastructure to deliver the just-in-time services that we all depend on — the services which power billions of dollars a day in revenue.

While location services play a key role in driving operational efficiency, there’s a significant missing piece that keeps most location-enabled services from reaching their full potential.

Today’s location services are all constrained by 2D technology. They can optimize for flat environments, but that’s it. Buildings, underground locations, and complex urban landscapes are a significant challenge.

For a delivery application, an app can get you to an address, but can’t identify which floor the recipient ordered from. Parking apps can’t direct you to your car in a four-story underground garage. Family safety apps can tell you that your child is in a skyscraper somewhere, but you’d have to search fifty floors to find out exactly where. A quick-serve restaurant on the ground floor of a building can’t predict when someone from the twentieth floor above them will arrive to pick up their food.

Unfortunately, most companies don’t realize what they’re missing. We’re all so used to the flat, 2D technology we rely on today that we don’t think about how much better it could be with a whole new dimension of data.

Or we think about vertical location as a neat feature, but not something that actually has an impact on the bottom line. We discount that “last mile” of the user experience, not making the connection to increased revenue, higher LTV, and improved customer retention.

In fact, vertical location is a major step forward in operational efficiency, with downstream effects that have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of location-based applications. If the 2D applications we have today made us this efficient, just imagine what we could accomplish with a whole new data set?

It’s worth noting that the efficiency gains of vertical location are likely to be felt the most by the very customers that most app companies crave:  urban residents.  Dense cities — the places where people live, work, and play in multi-story buildings — are both the largest market for mobile apps and the places where 2D location falls down on the job.  The companies that fill this gap first will naturally reap outsize dividends.

NextNav’s vertical location technology helps companies increase operational efficiency in the urban markets where it matters most. We’ve built our Pinnacle service for vertical location to focus specifically on built-up urban areas — 4,400 cities at last count.  We cover over 90% of buildings three stories and above, knowing that these are the places where deliveries, directions, and other precise location-based services are the most critical.

How can vertical location improve the operational efficiency of your location app? Don’t miss this VB Live event.

Register for free here.

Attendees will learn:

  • How 3D geolocation is disrupting the world of location technology, delivering new user experiences and improved operational efficiency
  • How leaders in the mobile app, gaming, and AR space will use vertical location in the next generation of location-based services
  • How the vertical dimension will impact the wider location ecosystem, including mapping, visualizations, and UI/UX


  • Janine Yoong, Head of Location AR Partnerships, Snap
  • Chris Gates, SVP of Corporate Development and Strategy, NextNav
  • Dean Takahashi, Lead Writer, GamesBeat (moderator)

More to come!

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