Hearthstone’s next expansion is United in Stormwind


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Blizzard has announced Hearthstone‘s next expansion. It is called United in Stormwind.

This is the digital card game’s second expansion of the year, following Forged in the Barrens. Hearthstone is based off of World of Warcraft, which has players fighting on one of two sides:  Horde or Alliance.  Forged in the Barrens had a Horde-centric theme. Stormwind if the capital city for the Alliance, so Blizzard is balancing the game out with this new set of cards.

United in Stormwind will introduce a new Questline keyword and Mounts as a new card mechanic, both of which tie back to World of Warcraft. Blizzard is also promising a big shakeup for the card game’s Battlegrounds mode, which will include new cards and heroes.

Hearthstone gets three expansions each year, so players can expect one more major set of new cards for 2022.


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