Sayollo partners with Speechly to bring voice recognition to gComm


Join gaming leaders, alongside GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming, for their 2nd Annual GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit | GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2 this upcoming January 25-27, 2022. Learn more about the event. 

In-game sales and advertising is a large, tricky business. No one appreciates being pulled out of a game to interact with ads. Even when there is interest, the player has to stop the game, go to a website, arrange shipping, arrange payment, and finally return to their game. If an item takes too much time to purchase, the player will often give up.  This is where Sayollo’s gComm comes in.

GComm(short for “gaming commerce”) is designed to enable the player to make in-game purchases without interrupting the action. The way it works is that ads are served to players throughout the game. Whenever the game hits a pause point, the gComm window pops up with those same items available for purchase. The storefront and transaction is handled entirely within the gaming app. This way players are not forced to switch focus or go off-site.

In an effort to make the process even easier, Sayollo has partnered with Speechly.  Speechly, founded in 2016 by researchers in Helsinki, Finland, is a powerful voice recognition software. With just a few lines of code, game developers can add voice recognition and navigation to their in-game shop.

“We are proud to be delivering a first-of-its-kind shopping experience to the Gen-Z gaming community, and believe this is how many more DTC brands will attempt to target consumers in the future,” said Jonathan Attias, co-founder and CEO of Sayollo. “Through our partnership with Speechly, gamers will have the power to make purchases without typing at all, by simply using their voice to command the process.”


The 2nd Annual GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming Summit and GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2

January 25 – 27, 2022

Learn More

Check out their respective websites for more information about gComm or Speechly.


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