Some kind of mobile Warcraft thing is coming out this year


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As part of its latest earnings report, Activision Blizzard revealed that some kind of new Warcraft content is coming to mobile later this year.

Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard. But before that, Activision brass was touting the importance of getting more of its IP on mobile. It has already done so with Call of Duty and Crash Bandicoot, and Diablo Immortal is testing now.

“Blizzard is planning substantial new content for the Warcraft franchise in 2022, including new experiences in World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, and getting all-new mobile Warcraft content into players’ hands for the first time,” details the financial report.

Of course, Warcraft already exists on mobile with Hearthstone, a digital card game based on the fantasy series. And then there are apps that support the World of Warcraft MMO, like the WoW Companion.


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We don’t know exactly what this new app will look like, but some kind of strategy title would make sense given Warcraft’s roots.

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