Melon and NFL team up and launch Roblox metaverse experience


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Melon announced today that it is launching a new experience in Roblox in partnership with the NFL. Players will be able to purchase their own team jerseys and helmets starting today.

The NFL Roblox experience will launch at 3PM PSt today and will including a virtual goods drop. Every player will receive a free 3D NFL helmet. Players will also be able to purchase the jerseys and helmets of the AFC Division teams today. Helmets and jerseys for the NFC teams launch on December 1.

Melon is a Roblox-focused developer, having recently revealed its first game within the metaverse, called Jump Kingdoms. It’s also created several metaverse-based experiences for musical acts and other marketing projects.

The company also teased that it has a much larger NFL project in the works set to debut in early 2022. It’s possible Melon will offer more products in the experience in the future.


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