IronSource launches analytics for app developers


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IronSource is launching its App Analytics platform to enable app and game developers to maximize their revenue, user retention, and growth.

With the beta version of App Analytics, IronSource is creating a one-stop shop for app monetization, user acquisition, and analytics.

Tel Aviv, Israel-based IronSource went public last year and it has a valuation of $6.88 billion. Analytics are kind of old news, especially for a company that has been around since like IronSource. But analytics have proliferated along with platforms and strategies for succeeding in mobile games and apps.

“What we have here is everything you can imagine in an analytics product, similar to what you’ll have in Google Analytics, right. But in the same platform, you’re using your user acquisition tools and other solutions,” said Omer Kaplan, chief revenue officer and cofounder of IronSource, in an interview with GamesBeat. “The usability or the UX that we’ve built is significantly better than most other solutions.”


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Cohort analysis with IronSource’s App Analytics.

Designed specifically for apps and games, App Analytics gives developers insights on user engagement, and live operations support, to drive growth and revenue. The hope is devs can better monetize, scale their user base, and access complete app data for optimization – all in one place.

“We hope to disrupt the ecosystem because this is the first time that within one place that you can manage all of your ad monetization and your user acquisition, and also have end to end analytics,” said Kaplan. “Today, developers have to use Google Analytics or Firebase, or other tools for monetization and marketing. We built end-to-end analytics that gives them everything they need to do.”

App Analytics offers insights into the inner workings of an entire app or game, with data on user behavior, playtime, and progression. App Analytics will also offer live ops software, allowing developers to manage their A/B testing and remotely configure their app without the need to release a new version.

With this product, app developers can gauge the impact of changes to their app’s inner workings, from app design, to in-game mechanics and in-app monetization. Additionally, anyone working on the app can instantly gain greater visibility – from the CEO to the product manager to the game designer – with access to the information they need to decide where to invest resources to maximize revenue, user retention, and growth.

“The launch of this product not only adds significant breadth to our platform offering, but increases the amount of people we can address and support within an app-based business,” said Kaplan. “With App Analytics, we are now able to empower business intelligence analysts, game designers, and product managers with the critical data and live operations support they need to improve their product and their business.”

The IronSource platform already includes analytics tools such as cohort reporting, real-time pivot reports, and segmentation. With the launch of App Analytics, ironSource is going beyond monetization and user growth analytics, and offering developers insights that will allow them to improve a game’s strategy or an app user’s journey, thereby allowing them to increase engagement, performance and growth.

Comparing different games or apps with App Analytics.

Currently in beta, App Analytics is available to select IronSource partners, and is scheduled to be available to all IronSource LevelPlay users by the end of Q1 2022.

Matan Shaham, director of product and the leader on the new analytics, said in an interview that the platform presents relevant insights and gets the analysis going as the data comes in. And since there are a lot of companies using the platform, it’s easier for the analytics program to show benchmarks and whether a particular app or game is hitting them.

“Having your game compared to other games in your genre is crucial for your game analysis,” Shaham said.

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