In the Heights — the critically-acclaimed adaptation of Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes’ Tony Award-winning musical — has become the second Warner Bros. movie to skip cinemas and debut directly on video-on-demand in India during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. No, Justice League Snyder Cut wasn’t the first as it was never planned for theatres.
Pro Evolution Soccer is in for an overhaul — the biggest since its inception. Konami announced Wednesday that its football simulation title is being rechristened simply as eFootball, after a couple of years carrying the unwieldy title “eFootball PES.” But more importantly, eFootball will be a free-to-play title, offering cross-platform play post launch everywhere. eFootball
Criminals in Brazil were stealing iPhone handsets not to resell them but to access people’s bank account details and then steal their money, according to a report published last month. These criminals were no ordinary elements. They could steal money from people’s accounts within hours of robbing them of their iPhone devices. Such cases had