WhatsApp on Monday said that it has addressed two bugs that existed on its outdated software and that it had no reason to believe that “these vulnerabilities were ever abused”. The official statement came in the wake of a recent advisory issued by the CERT-In, India’s cybersecurity agency, which cautioned WhatsApp users about certain vulnerabilities
Apple on Thursday announced a $200 million (roughly Rs. 1,490 crores) fund to invest in timber-producing commercial forestry projects, with the goal of removing carbon from the atmosphere while also generating profit. The Restore Fund, launched in partnership with Conservation International and Goldman Sachs, expected to have its first projects targeted later this year. “Nature
For a long time, Sony and Bose competed to produce the best premium wireless over-ear headphones with active noise cancellation. With the excellent WH-1000XM4 headphones, Sony finally took the lead in the race. The Sony WH-1000XM4 offers a wholesome all-round experience when it comes to design, sound quality, active noise cancellation, and battery life, and
Tech giant Google has announced new features coming to Google Assistant on Thursday, and the most essential feature is - finding your lost iPhone. For quite some time, iPhone users have been able to find their smartphones using the Find My service. To help find your lost iPhone, Siri integration is also on board, so you can just ask the assistant where your iPhone is and it will ping your device with an audible notification which even bypasses Do Not Disturb, even if it is
Will Smith’s slavery drama Emancipation will no longer be filmed in Georgia after the southern US state approved a voting rights law that critics say is intended to depress turnout in Black and other underrepresented communities. Georgia has become a major US movie industry production hub in recent years, but the Emancipation move follows mounting public
Flipkart Flagship Fest sale has begun and the e-commerce site has listed several premium smartphones with great deals and discounts. The festival will go on till April 15 and offers buyers leading smartphones with low no-cost EMI options starting from Rs. 2,500 per month. It has partnered with Bajaj Finserv to offer these low no-cost
Belkin has launched a series of MagSafe-compatible chargers and accessories for the iPhone 12 series. Belkin’s latest lineup includes a Magnetic Phone Mount with Face Tracking, Magnetic Fitness Phone Mount, Boost Charge Magnetic Wireless Power Bank (2,500mAh), Boost Charge Magnetic Portable Wireless Charger (10,000mAh), Boost Charge Magnetic Portable Wireless Charger Pad (7.5W), and Boost Charge