Telegram was the most downloaded non-gaming app worldwide in January 2021, with 24 percent of the total downloads coming from India, according to the latest data from Sensor Tower. The messaging app was downloaded 63 million times last month (which means India saw around 15 million new Telegram users in January, going by the percentage
Apple has filed a patent application that could stop its lightning cables from fraying so easily. The patent is for a cable with variable stiffness that could solve this problem. Apple’s lightning cables have a reputation for fraying easily but the company could have found a solution, going by this patent. The Cupertino-company proposed ideas
Bang & Olufsen Beosound Level portable Wi-Fi speaker has been launched in Europe. The high-end brand is focusing on portability and long life with this launch, with a modular design that allows users to replace fabrics and wooden covers while still using the same speaker. The Beosound Level is part of the company’s Connected Speakers
The 2021 iPhone family, which is rumoured to arrive as either the iPhone 12S or the iPhone 13 series, will feature an upgraded ultra-wide-angle camera lens with better low-light performance, according to market analysts. The iPhone 13 Pro in the series, which is also rumoured as the iPhone 12S Pro, is said to have the
Microsoft’s Office Lens scanning app, which allowed users to scan documents from their mobile phones, has been rebranded as Microsoft Lens and redesigned with new features. The app includes a new logo and features such as Image to Text, Image to Table, and Image to Contact. The new features will be coming to Android first.