
Moving from one instant messenger to another is like shifting houses. It’s a total pain, a lot of times you lose things and you also have to start afresh. If you feel the same way, Telegram has a new feature — the ability to import chats from WhatsApp. The steps are very simple and here’s
Offline messaging app Bridgefy said it was downloaded more than 600,000 times in a few hours in Myanmar, after the country’s military seized power on Monday and temporarily disrupted Internet traffic. The Mexico-based startup, which gained popularity during Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests in 2020, tweeted that it hoped people in Myanmar would find its app
Twitter on Monday “withheld” multiple accounts on its social media platform including those linked with the ongoing farmers” protest at Delhi borders against the new contentious central farm laws. Among the accounts withheld are Kisan Ekta Morcha (@Kisanektamorcha) and BKU Ekta Urgahan (@Bkuektaugrahan), both having followers in thousands. Besides these, several other individual and organisational