Facebook on Friday restricted Russian state media’s ability to earn money on the social media platform as Moscow’s invasion of neighbouring Ukraine reached the streets of Kyiv. “We are now prohibiting Russian state media from running ads or monetising on our platform anywhere in the world,” Nathaniel Gleicher, the social media giant’s security policy head,
Internet connectivity in Ukraine has been badly affected by the Russian invasion, particularly in the southern and eastern parts of the country where fighting has been heaviest, internet blockage observatory NetBlocks said on Saturday. Russian forces captured the southeastern Ukrainian city of Melitopol on Saturday, Russia’s Interfax news agency reported, as Moscow launched coordinated cruise
Taiwan expects little impact from the war in Ukraine on the supply of key raw materials for semiconductors, the government said on Saturday. Taiwan is a major chip manufacturer, home to the world’s largest contract chip manufacturer and Asia’s most valuable listed company, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC), and key to alleviating a global
A Ukrainian volunteer group that provides equipment to the country’s army has received over $4 million (roughly Rs. 30022.16 crore) in Bitcoin donations since Russia launched its invasion on Thursday, according to blockchain analysis firm Elliptic. London-based Elliptic said earlier this month that donations to Ukrainian volunteer and hacking groups had soared as Russian troops
The Ministry of Electronics and IT will set up centres for transformational artificial intelligence (AI) that will collaborate with academia and industry to develop AI-based solutions, a senior government official said on Friday. MyGov CEO Abhishek Singh, who also heads Digital India Corporation and National e-Governance Division, said that a fund of funds is also
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