Soundcore Infini soundbar was launched in India on Wednesday. The new budget soundbar comes with a 2.1 stereo speaker setup and offers wireless and wired connectivity. Soundcore Infini comes with two 3-inch subwoofers and two 2.5-inch tweeters. According to the company, the new Soundcore Infini soundbar comes with 100W RMS output with enhanced bass response.
Apple sold the most 5G-enabled smartphones globally in Q3 2021, according to a new report by Strategy Analytics. Apple’s lead over the competition is visible a couple of months after the company launched its latest iPhone 13 series on September 14, while cutting prices of its first 5G-enabled smartphones, the iPhone 12 series. Meanwhile, companies
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatch was launched in India on Thursday. The key specifications of the smartwatch were revealed earlier this month. A successor to the Noise ColorFit Ultra, the latest offering is the largest smartwatch offered by Noise. It sports a 1.78-inch AMOLED screen with Always-on display feature. The smartwatch is rated IP68 for