Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 benchmark results are out and the SoC performs better than its predecessor, Qualcomm Snapdragon 888, as per a report. Additionally, the benchmarking results show that it has beaten Samsung Exynos 2100 but is still behind Apple’s A15 Bionic silicon on CPU performance. The benchmarks were conducted on Geekbench 5, PCMark
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Join gaming leaders, alongside GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming, for their 2nd Annual GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit | GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2 this upcoming January 25-27, 2022. Learn more about the event.  Ralph Lauren will debut The Ralph Lauren Winter Escape on Roblox to show off its holiday fashion themes. The holiday-themed experience will
Apple CEO Tim Cook signed an agreement with Chinese officials, estimated to be worth about $275 billion (roughly Rs. 20,75,700 crore), to placate threats that would have hobbled its devices and services in the country, The Information reported. Apple did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. The five-year agreement was made when
Join gaming leaders, alongside GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming, for their 2nd Annual GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit | GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2 this upcoming January 25-27, 2022. Learn more about the event.  New challenges have emerged in identity verification as business moves increasingly online during the pandemic. Companies, facing an influx of new customers