Qualcomm on Thursday expanded its portfolio of silicon powering Always On, Always Connected PCs by introducing the Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 and Snapdragon 7c+ Gen 3 compute platforms, at its Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021. The Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 is specifically designed for premium, ultra-slim fanless laptops that require both performance and battery efficiency. The
Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai discusses his company’s $2 trillion valuation and how the tech giant will gain its next trillion. He also talks about the flexibility of Google’s Return-to-Office policy. He speaks with Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Studio 1.0.” ——– Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg Technology on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrM7B7SL_g1edFOnmj-SDKg Watch the latest full episodes